Pickleball is one of the sports you are encouraged to play when looking to try something new. It is among the fastest rising sports in popularity in parts like North America. Statistics project the number of pickleball players will increase by about 12% in the next year and this could be due to a number of reasons that you will learn below. By becoming a pickleball player like Dike Ajiri, you combine skills from different games ranging from tennis, ping pong and even band Minton in certain aspects. These here are among the numerous benefits that you ultimately enjoy by playing pickleball today.
Improve mental health and mood
Playing games can be a good getaway from someone who is depressed or looking for a distraction. This is an active form of game where there is a lot of moving and running when hitting the pickleball. Just like most other games it can be therapeutic to help you mind regain its focus. Since it is also a social sport, you get to mingle with people which reduce your chances of being bored. As you learn to play the game and win, you improve your confidence all the same.
Burn calories
If you are overweight, it becomes hard for you to move fast and better yet, you become susceptible to lifestyle diseases. The only way out of an unhealthy body is working out as regular as you can. For those that did not know, pickleball can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors which makes it very ideal for you. You do not have to work hard under the sun but just a few minutes or hours of the game will be sufficient to burn some extra calories and fat from your body. Work outs are not just great for your health but will also make you look good too.
Improved balance
Pickleball is a game that involves a lot of movements in its game play. This makes it a perfect workout activity for people seeking to build their bodies and burn calories while at it. As you swing and move your body to receive and strike the pickleball, you develop stability in your movements and balancing which is very essential for the game. Professional pickleball players enjoy better stability, footwork, stamina and control all coming from the regular sessions they enjoy.
Increase your social circles
Aside from creating time for family, we all need friends that we can hang out with. It is not always the right move to go looking for friends in clubs, why not try social events like pickleball games whose popularity is growing by the day. There is a chance for you to boost the quality of people in your social circle and this game might just be a good zone for you to begin looking for friends from. The game is also fun and is best when played with many people rather than just a pair. For those looking to have fun while improving their health, this form of sport presents a perfect opportunity.